The reconstitution of SACSA

The South African Council for Space Affairs is established in terms of the Space Affairs Act, 1993 (Act No. 84 of 1993), as amended (The South African Council for Space Affairs is established in terms of the Space Affairs Act, 1993 (Act No. 84 of 1993), as amended (the Act), to manage and control space affairs in the Republic through implementing in the most effective and efficient manner, the Space Policy of the Republic and taking care of the interests, responsibilities and obligations of the State in terms of the international Treaties. The Council is thus expected to authorise, supervise and regulate all space related activities in the country to ensure orderly and responsible participation of all actors.

The term of the South African Council for Space Affairs expired in April 2023. The reconstitution of the new Council is underway as directed by the Minister for the  process to be restarted. The advert was issued to nominate members who will serve as members of the Council on 15 September 2024 and closed on 04 October 2024.

The outcome of the process will be communicated in due course.

Thank you