National Space Policy of 2008

National Space Policy Of 2008

South Africa is committed:-

To utilising outer space for peaceful purposes and the benefit of all humankind

To developing and maintaining a robust and appropriate set of space capabilities, services and products to support national priorities through co-ordination and co-operative governance.

To being a responsible user of the space environment and will ensure that all public and private sector activities are conducted in accordance with national legislation and appropriate international best practices, in addition to relevant international treaties.

To promoting research and development in space science and technology.

To fostering the development of the domestic industry towards greater levels of national self-sufficiency and international competitiveness in space technology, and its applications through utilising domestic commercial space capabilities and services to the maximum extent possible.

To co-operation with strategic nations in mutually beneficial and peaceful uses of outer space, with a focus on extending the benefits of space technology to the African continent through the pursuit of co-operative activities with African countries.